Note: This section does not apply to Mobile SDK Programs, see Mobile SDK Frequently Asked Questions
This section lists some problems that may be encountered, and the possible reasons behind those problems.
Tip: Site set-up note: When deploying the Digital Feedback script code on your web site, the website must be configured to allow insertion of external JavaScripts. Without this the program will not be effective.
Why can’t other users see the programs?
By default, only the program creator and company administrators have access.
If any other users need access, you must add explicit permission to view, edit and/or publish the program (Setting Access Permissions).
When I go to the site I can’t see my latest changes, why?
Have they been published? Until they are published they will only be viewable in test mode.
The program doesn’t seem to be running at all. Why is this?
Has the snippet of code been deployed to your site?
Does your site allow the insertion of external JavaScript’s?
As the program relies on running the client-side JavaScript, if there are any errors in the script the program will not function. You will need to troubleshoot any script errors. This can be done using the browser dev tools (press F12 from the browser).